The Dynamics of Transition

Change is the event.  The situation.  You change a behavior, move to a new city, have a baby, take a new job.

The transition is the process.  It’s the internal story of change: a shift in orientation.  Even self-definition.

Four Components of Transition
1. Every transition begins with an ending.
2.  People in transition will create new ways to return to the old story.
3.  The new beginning involves changing how you see yourself—even aspects of your identity.
4.  Never underestimate the changeback pressure from the system. 

Six Stages of Transition
These are not headlines—you won’t see a manifestation of each even with a major transition.  These are just to think about as internal conceptual markers:
The myth:  That there is a perfect choice.
The illusion:  That the perfect choice will solve all problems.
The disappointment:  That nothing is perfect—and there isn’t even an ultimate arbiter of fairness.
The development:  The recognition that no one is going to take care of it for you.
The growth:  To take the next best action
The consolidation:  The happy/sad experience resulting; happy about the autonomy of moving ahead and not constructing an obstacle; sad about mourning an old story.