The neuroscience of success illuminates how performance revolves around three elements of intrinsic motivation:

  • Autonomy: the desire to direct our own lives
    • Are your managers/leaders facilitating autonomy for their people?
    • Are they coaching self-functioning for their people?
  • Mastery: the desire to get better at something that matters
    • Are your managers/leaders catalysts for increasing mastery in the organization and for each individual
    • Do they know how to enhance mastery at an individual level as well as within the system at an organizational level?
  • Purpose: the yearning to do what we do for something larger than ourselves
    • Do your managers/leaders foster optimal performance by helping people find intrinsic meaning in their work?
    • Do your managers/leaders ask of themselves, “Was I better today than yesterday?”
    • And do they motivate individuals to ask that of themselves?
    • Do your managers/leaders know the fundamental principals and skills of the dynamics of co-creating and sustaining success with their people?


The emphasis of Mentor Coach Core Mastery Training mentors the leaders and managers to increase competence and confidence. These proven coaching methods and tools will effectively catalyze change in individuals and systems. Important benefits of the training include knowing human dynamics of oneself and others, how people learn, how to execute strategy more effectively, and how to improve communication and leadership.