Master Mentoring of Case Studies

The Challenge

The most misunderstood and overlooked process in Mentor Coaching is that the most important aspects of your clients’ stories will be activated in the coach-client relationship.  The behavioral, attachment and other interpersonal patterns and dynamics introduce the most challenging and powerful opportunities to create transformations for the rest of your clients’ lives.  This subtext of what your client really wants and needs from you can determine the future success of both your clients and your practice.  

Insight, understanding, goals, and strategies are not enough to create success stories for your clients.  Or a satisfying, full practice for yourself.  Most often stuckenss, disruption, dissatisfaction, or discontinuation of the coaching relationship results from failure to understand how the secret language of process is the unrealized opportunity to learn everything you need to know about successful collaboration with each client.  It is what happens within the relationship that is both revealing and transformative.  Deciphering these processes begins a new story with your client.  

The Opportunity

Each client will communicate what is most important, problematic, and needed in each session, though not always not in logical, conscious, or daytime language.  Your client will always show you what is it like to be him or her, so that you can understand and collaborate to create change and successful transformation.  

Listen like a psychoanalyst, think like a neuroscientist, and respond like strategic coach to create transformations of impossible and stuck clients into success stories.  

  • Decipher what your client really needs from you
  • Discern the secret language of process in client communication
  • Unlock the elements of creating a new story with your client
  • Enhance the success of yourself, your clients, and your practice
  • Learn to listen to a case study to see what stands out, to understand how the process teaches everything about a client

Master Mentoring of Case Studies

Bring your most difficult, challenging, even impossible cases, including ones that have ended in either you or the client being fired, stopped prematurely, or ended in an impasse.  We will discuss the principals and philosophy of creating a new story in your coaching engagements.  

You will learn how to collaborate to create a new life, business, career, money, or relationship story with each client.  Convert repetition of old stories into the generation of new, successful stories.  

Learn to enhance success for yourself, your clients and your practice by learning the transformation of impossible and stuck clients.  

Master Mentoring of Case Studies will be limited to 10 participants—the first 10 who respond.  We will rotate presenting cases.  Those beyond the initial 10 who respond to this select invitation will be on a waiting list and be notified as soon as there is availability.

Begins March 14, 2013.  Meets the last three Thursdays of each month, 12:00-1:15 PM Eastern.  

Register now.